Intensive Italian for Gamers – Giorni 12 e 13


We have moved into learning l’abbigliamento 👗 👔 👕 👖and what people wear, i colori, plural indefinite articles (dei, degli, delle), bello (pretty) and quello (that), and tons of -ARE, -IRE, and –ERE verbs. We are also studying for Quiz #2 which is slated for this coming venerdì, and this past lunedì were handed a new thematic worksheet, “Lingua e cultura: Firenze nel rinascimento con Assassin’s Creed II Lezione 2 & 3″ – Describing self and others / verbs and expressions of being and actions.

Well, this is perfect because a) ❤️ adoro i vestiti e b) voglio dress up my Avatar, Polly Glot. (Yes, I am a 11). So, here we are-

Polly Glot, also ama 🖤 nero , just like me 😉

Poly Glot full body.pngI started up this draft quite a few days ago and had to go on sabbatical for a while from writing as the spring time flings of academic work just whisked me away.

However, thank goodness Polly Glot is clothed. 😎 Although I will need to be careful since there are in fact more colors other than nero, and if Polly only wears black all the time, which she will, then I will need to find a way to incorporate other colors into her world. I plan to do this as I integrate other characters into her mondo 🌏 di molte lingue. At least when her monolingual sidekick arrives into the picture he will be another color…I am thinking he will a mammal in the simian family and of the color marrone. (*Stay tuned to meet Polly’s sidekick who speaks just one language and see how she helps him understand the importance and value in speaking more than 1 language.)

Dressing up Polly was an effective exercise in our strategy of following the content of our standard Italian Pearson book, Percorsi: L’Italia attraverso la lingua e la cultura, and complementing the content with exercises related to the world of video games. So, in capitolo tre as we learn about l’abbigliamento 👗 👔 👖👕 👠, we have the opportunity to apply and practice this new content based on our gaming theme.

An example is found in our second worksheet ‘Italiano con i videogiochi – 2 – Week 5 – Lingua e cultura: Firenze nel rinascimento con Assassin’s Creed II’. As we learn to describe ourselves and others, we also practice with our characters, such as Ezio Auditore.

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As I type this up and I reflect on our work with l’abbigliamento 👗 👔 👖👕 👠 I am understanding just how many various types of input and output we have been able to produce with the structure of this course. We have our homework on MyItalianLab, which includes basic exercises such as matching and fill in in the blanks, and in class we practice as a large group, listening and responding to Simone about our real-life clothes, and then we practice as a small group. Furthermore, with activities such as those included in the language and culture worksheet based off of playing Assassin’s Creed II, and dressing up our Avatars, we are really doing everything needed in L2 learning: comprehension- reading and listening, production- writing and speaking, and of course involving the cultural component. ✅ 👍 👍


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